Dr. Ten Sing forwarded this to me earlier today and I thought it was worth sharing. Great stuff!

Top ten signs you may be a barefoot runner.

10. You think that the term “barefoot shoes” is an oxymoron.
9. You spend more time thinking about your feet than thinking about sex.
8. You actually hope there is mud on the trail.
7. Running on your heels is a worse offense than blowing up a bus full of nuns.
6. You own more pairs of running shoes than you ever have before.
5. You call yourself “barefoot” something.
4. You have ever tied a random piece of material to your foot with a shoelace and called it running wear.
3. You start a blog in order to get free stuff.
2. You have posted a picture of your bare feet on Facebook.
1. You consider growing a Ken Bob beard.

I like number 8!